Final Independent Evaluation of the Brooke India Programme 2006-2017

Authors:  Chittaranjan Mishra (lead evaluator), Dr Mamta Dhawan (technical consultant)

Evaluation Manager: José van Oosten, Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning Advisor

Affiliations: Performance and Evaluation Department, Brooke Action for Working Horses and Donkeys, UK

Published: November 2018 

Mishra, C. and Dhawan, M. 2018. Executive summary: Final independent evaluation report for the Brooke India Programme. Brooke. pp 1-5.

This evaluation was commissioned by Brooke following the exit of the Brooke India programme from seven units after a decade of intervention. It examines the different programme approaches and analyses the cost effectiveness of direct units and partner units in order to draw out the successes, failures and lessons learnt. The findings and recommendations from the evaluation report are used as a learning document by Brooke India, Brooke UK and Brooke India trustees.


Full reports available on request - please email p&[email protected].