
The largest equine welfare organisation in Pakistan – we’ve been helping working animals, and the families that depend on them for over 30 years.



At a glance

  • Pakistan is the world's fifth-most populous country with a population of more than 225.2 million. (Source: World Bank)
  • It is home to over 6 million working horses, donkeys and mules (Source: FAO Stat) – providing support to an estimated 36 million people.
  • It has approximately 20,000 traditional brick kilns – where many equines work in extremely challenging conditions. 
  • Brooke has worked in over 1,000 communities (515 Brick kilns, 200 Coal mines, and 287 workplace communities) improving the direct health and welfare of 96,510 equids and 85,099 people beneficiaries.
  • We also trained 810 Animal health providers (AHPs) including vets, paraprofessionals, and farriers ensuring sustainable practice.

Take a closer look

Ninety-five percent of the total equine population in Pakistan are working equines, the majority being used for transportation of people and goods, while the others are used in brick kilns, coalmines and agriculture. A recent study has shown that a single working animal supports up to eight people’s livelihood in a family.

With so many people dependent on their working animals, it’s essential that they receive the appropriate care and attention to ensure their lives are free from pain, disease and distress, so that they can remain healthy and productive. It’s also critical for the families and communities they support, as they are left extremely vulnerable if their animals are unable to work.

The Brooke Pakistan community-based equine welfare program is working to ensure healthy working animals for the world’s poorest communities through service delivery, community development, advocacy, partnership, applied research and ‘sharing the load’ strategy. 

Find out more about our work in Pakistan

Tel: +92 42 36672699
[email protected]
Brooke Pakistan, 9/295 Sarwar Road, Lahore Cantt, Pakistan 54810