
The Brooke Hospital for Animals Egypt’s mission is to realise a sustainable improvement in the animal welfare for the working equines in its area of operation. 



At a glance

  • There are approximately 1.7 million working equines in Egypt, according to the latest FAO statistics.
  • Working horses, donkeys and mules carry out a wide range of tasks, including transporting passengers, goods with carts in urban areas, and building materials, such as metals, cement, and bricks in the brick factories.
  • They are also used for riding in rural and tourist areas, and work in the vast agricultural lands.
  • The equines carry top-heavy loads, in the punishing heat, on dusty roads and in the fields to earn a meager income for the hard-pressed owners. And the hard work takes its tolls.
  • Brooke Egypt provides veterinary treatments through five static clinics and 25 mobile clinics, reaching approximately 220,000 working horses, donkeys and mules.
  • The long term strategy is to create behavioural change of animal owners, users and other stakeholders with regard to animal welfare – raising awareness through school visits, partnering with universities, working with rural guides, and a wide range of NGOs.

Take a closer look

The Brooke Hospital for Animals Egypt’s (BHA-Egypt) mission is to realise a sustainable improvement in the animal welfare for the working equines in its area of operation. And by helping the animals, BHA-Egypt is indirectly helping the local animal owners and users who for their livelihood fully depend on these working equines.

To achieve this mission, Brooke Hospital for Animals Egypt:

  • provides free veterinary service in static clinics and with mobile clinics to alleviate the suffering of working equines
  • raises awareness of animals owners and users with regard to equine welfare
  • builds the capacity of the local service providers (farriers, saddle makers etc.).

The dedicated BHA-Egypt veterinary and educational teams provide good quality veterinary care and use effective educational methods with the aim to let the working animals live without pain, hunger or fear and to give them the freedom to express natural behaviour.

The head office and main clinic of Brooke Hospital for Animals Egypt is still situated today on the location of Dorothy Brooke’s hospital for old war horses. Brooke Hospital Egypt treats around 160,000 horses, donkeys and mules each year, but the need is still enormous. Of the 1.7 million working horses, donkeys and mules in Egypt, there are still many regions where the help of BHA-Egypt teams is much needed.

Find out more about our work 

Visit The Brooke Hospital for Animals Egypt website for more information and contact details.