Brooke West Africa

We have worked in Senegal since 2010 to improve conditions for the country's working horses and donkeys.  In 2016 we started working in Burkina Faso and we continue to explore the potential for expanding our work further in West Africa.



At a glance

  • Senegal has an equine population of 972,598, of which 54% are horses and 46% are donkeys (source: Ministry of Livestock Assessment, 2010).
  • There are very few mules, as there is no tradition of breeding and rearing them.
  • Burkina Faso also has an equine population of around 1 million although horses make up only 3% of the working equine population and donkeys and mules make up 97%.
  • As part of Brooke's global farriery project, we established the first farriery school in Senegal which has now started teaching students. This is critical to eradicate devastating hoof problems which plague so many equids.
  • In Burkina Faso, as a result of our livelihoods and resilience activities, 240 tons of cowpea seeds and 424 tons of fodder are now produced annually, providing income to populations and feed to animals.

Take a closer look

Our work in West Africa covers Senegal, Burkina Faso. Some scoping work is underway in Niger and Ghana. All countries lie in the drought prone Sahel area with poor soil and erratic rainfall. A large proportion of the population depends on agriculture for its livelihood, and working equines are used heavily in this sector. Equines are also used in rural areas to transport water and people, and in cities to transport people, construction materials and general merchandise.

Many of these animals are affected by poor welfare, including poor body condition, fear and aggression, feet-related problems, ectoparasites and body lesions (linked with inadequate harnesses and beating).

Partners / partnership development

Boy and donkey in Senegal

 Brooke West Africa is currently working with these partners:

In Senegal

  1. UGAN (Union des Groupements Associés du Niombato), the Brooke WAO is in partnership with UGAN for a 3 year project covering 2014-2017. Under this project called NEQUIN U MALA, UGAN is working with 60 village associations in the Department of Foundiougne to improve the welfare of 4009 working equine animals by 2017. Working in Fatick region.
  2. UGPM (Union des Groupements Paysans de Meckhé) UGPM is a union of farmers comprised of 82 associations from 89 villages with more than five thousand (5000) members of which 61% are women. Working in Thiès region.
  3. FAPAL (Fédération des Associations Paysannes de la Région de Louga) Fapal is a Federation of 34 farmers associations covering the region of Louga. It reports 3200 members of which 65% are women. Formed in 1987, this organisation has some structure in place: a board of directors, an executive bureau, auditors, technical commissions and a pool of animators working on the ground. Working in Louga region.
  4. URAPD (Union Régionale des Associations Paysannes de Diourbel) Scoping carried out in August 2016 – Working in the Diourbel region.
  5. ASPAE (Association Sénégalaise pour la Protection des Animaux et de l’Environnement) in 2015 – Working in Thies city and neighbouring communities
  6. Eclosio (Belgian INGO) in Thies, Fatick and Diourbel.
  7. Heifer (An American INGO), to put in place a coalition on animal welfare

In Burkina Faso

  1. APIL (Action pour la Promotion des Initiatives Locales).
  2. INADES FORMATIONS (Institut Africain pour le Développement Economique et Social - Centre Africain de Formation).

Find out more about our work in West Africa

Tel: +221 33 864 00 07
[email protected]
Lot n°14 Imm. Sophie Ndiaye Justin
A 100m du SAMU Nationa – VDN, Dakar
B.P. 22482 – Dakar Ponty