10 August 2018

Brooke gives update on Guatemala emergency response

Thanks to a public appeal in the UK and USA, Brooke and its sister organisation Brooke USA was able to provide food, water and emergency veterinary treatment to over 300 working equines living in the areas worst affected by June’s Fuego volcano eruptions.

A grant of £13,166 ensured that Brooke, through its partner ESAP, successfully provided aid to 10 communities within the designated ‘hot zone’ for one month. This meant that Brooke was able to help a total 1590 families and nearly 24,000 animals, including poultry, cattle and pigs.

The Fuego volcano erupted on June 3 and again on June 6. At present, 121 people are believed to have died as a result of the eruptions, with an estimated 1.7 million people affected in total.

Many areas experienced a severe loss in crops such as corn, beans and fruits, in addition to contaminated water. Equines were also reported to be suffering from diarrhoea and dehydration. 

Throughout the process, ESAP worked with the Ministry of Agriculture (MAGA), the National Coordination Office for Disaster Reduction (CONRED) and the disaster response arm of World Animal Protection (WAP), enabling them to enter a further 8 communities.

At the end of July, ESAP was granted an extra £7,428 for a further 2 weeks’ work in the region. This extension allowed them to work with MAGA on creating long term plans for the response to future natural disasters.

Brooke, through its partner ESAP, has worked in Guatemala since 2006. One of the most populated countries in Latin America, horses, donkeys and mules are relied upon heavily to transport products such as corn, beans, and wood, as well as for carrying water from wells to homes.