
Since 2007 we have worked in Nepal with our partners the Animal Health Training and Consultancy Service on a wide range of equine welfare projects.



At a glance

  • There are thought to be approxamately 100,000 working equines in Nepal.
  • The country has a population of 29.1 million people.
  • 25% of the population live below the international poverty line. 
  • 67% of equine owners engaged through Brooke's project with partner AHTCS now have access to quality healthcare services and equine medicines, compared to 24% in 2018.

Sources: World Bank

Take a closer look

Nepal is one of the world's poorest countries, where working horses, mules and donkeys play an important role in supporting the livelihoods of many of its communities.

In the hilly districts of Nepal equines are used for riding and for transporting goods by pack, while in the plains they transport people and produce by cart. Equines are also used in brick kilns to carry heavy loads of bricks over long distances.

The main issues faced by equines in Nepal are wounds, lameness, colic, general injuries, diseases and a lack of access to appropriate feed, water, shelter and vaccinations. Most equid-owners are poor and marginalized, struggling to fulfil their most basic needs. The welfare status of the animals is poor in all areas, but is worst in the brick kilns: a gruelling industry for both animals and people.

Recent changes

The country has gone through some significant changes since 2015 when the new Constitution of Nepal was promulgated. This has resulted in changes within the structure of government at local levels, which can affect the understanding and application of the Animal Welfare Law 2016. Whilst there is an animal health system of both government and private veterinary practitioners, it is relatively weak and focused on livestock species such as goats, cattle and poultry. Access to the right kinds of equine-specific medicines is a problem.

Since 2020, the country has been severely impacted by COVID-19, its people struggling in the face of lost earnings and lack of healthcare provisions.



Since 2007, Brooke has worked in partnership with Animal Health Training and Consultancy Service (AHTCS) to bring positive changes for sustainable equine welfare. AHTCS was established in 2000 with a mission to improve the quality of life of poor, marginalized and needy communities by providing them with eco-friendly practical education and services on animal care and its associated agricultural practices. They are recognised as a leading organisation within Nepal in providing training and mentoring in animal health to both government veterinarians and private individuals, as well as implementing community interventions to improve knowledge and access to healthcare services. As such, they have been perfectly positioned to deliver the Sustainable Equine Welfare Project (SEWP) with Brooke providing training and support in specific approaches for equines.

Since 2018, the SEWP has looked to make sustainable improvements to the welfare status of 6,584 equines working within the communities, brick kilns and rice mills of four provinces of Nepal: Dang, Bardiya, Banke and Bhaktapur.

In 2019, AHTCS was honoured with the title of Best Organisation for Animal Welfare Promotion and Service Delivery, received from the Nepalese Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development.