31 March 2021

Statement on the International Treaty on Pandemic Preparedness and Response

Brooke is proud to have spearheaded the Action for Animal Health coalition, which calls for stronger investment in animal health systems and recognises the complex and vital connection between the health of humans, animals and the environment.

As such, we support the call for a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response by Prime Minister Boris Johnson and 23 other global leaders; and particularly their recognition of the need for a One Health approach.

The Covid-19 pandemic, likely a symptom of historic under-investment in animal health systems, has demonstrated the mutual dependence of all health systems on this planet. As stated within the treaty, we must now seize this opportunity and come together as a global community. It is vital therefore that animal health is included within this if we are to prevent another pandemic.

Update: 21.04.21 - this statement was edited to reflect that the treaty has been called for, but not yet agreed.