India Fundraising Trip 2021

Your details
How we contact you

Your support is important to us and we would like to keep you updated about Brooke news, events, activities (including fundraising and appeals) and how you can support us.

We will send you information by post that we believe you will be interested hearing more about.

Are you also happy for Brooke to contact you in the following ways for these purposes:

You can update the ways in which we contact you or inform us that you no longer wish to hear from Brooke at any time. Please call us on 020 7470 9393, email us at [email protected] or write to us at Brooke,  2nd Floor, The Hallmark Building, 52-56 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 2BJ.

Brooke will use the relevant personal data you provide in order to process your request.

Your contact details will be used by Brooke to communicate with you in the ways you have indicated above.

We may analyse your data and add publicly available information to create a profile of your interests and preferences. Please see our privacy statement for further information about how we will use your personal data. You can also contact us for a copy (details above).