13 December 2019

John Nettles records voiceover for Brooke TV appeal

Recorded at the studios of Radio Exe, the advert depicts a brick kiln donkey struggling under the weight of its load in hot, sweltering conditions. The donkey is one of millions of equines carrying out this brutal work daily across India, Pakistan, Nepal and Afghanistan.

John said: “I’m honoured to be once again providing the voiceover for Brooke’s new advert. I love horses and donkeys and have seven horses, all rescues, and two donkeys called Achilles and Hector - they are so beautiful and make getting up in the morning worthwhile. I hope my contribution to Brooke helps improve the lives of many more of the working equines around the world today.”


An estimated 1500 billion baked-clay bricks are produced globally every year and donkeys, mules and horses have a key role in the brick production process. Animals are much cheaper and more efficient than using small trucks or other mechanised vehicles. They are also often better suited to the uneven and ever-changing terrain at the kiln sites.

Unfortunately, there are severe issues with the welfare of these animals. These issues include no access to clean water or grazing opportunities, overworking, overloading, and exposure to heat and toxic emissions from the chimneys within the kilns.

Viewers of the advert are encouraged to text Brooke and set up a donation of £2 a month, which will enable the charity to ensure that animals in brick kilns have vital access to medicine and water, along with crucial training for their owners.


Recording studio kindly provided by Radio Exe, Devon's commercial radio station on 107.3FM in Exeter and surrounding area and on DAB digital radio. Or listen free on the mobile app.