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27 September 2016

Equine fairs provide Brooke with an opportunity to learn more about the communities that attend them. One project of in the field research took Dr Dinesh Mohite from Brooke India to Argentina to present the team's findings.

Man on phone
27 September 2016

The First International Conference on Human Behaviour Change for Animal Welfare took place last week in Dorking, Surrey and Brooke staff were there to share their expertise.

19 August 2016

To mark World Humanitarian Day our country representative from Senegal, Elizabeth Coates, writes about the contributions of horses, donkeys and mules to humanitarian and relief work.

Coal mine donkey in Pakistan
25 May 2016

In a huge milestone for Brooke’s global animal welfare and advocacy work, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) has for the first time announced a set of welfare standards for working horses, donkey and mules.

4 May 2016

Brooke will appear in the official commemorative publication for The Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebration to take place at Windsor Castle this month. Brooke is one of only two equine charities to be featured in the book.

Helping out after the earthquake
7 April 2016

Animal Health Training Consultancy Service (AHTCS), Brooke’s partner in Nepal, has been given a Special Recognition Award for their work during the aftermath of the Nepal earthquake, almost exactly a year ago.
