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11 June 2019

A grant of £90,000 from the Elise Pilkington Charitable Trust will enable Brooke to make sustainable change to the lives of an estimated 350,000 working horses, donkeys and mules across 68 equine fairs in India over the next three years.

8 May 2019

On World Donkey Day, the International Coalition for Working Equids (ICWE) welcomed the World Organisation for Animal Health’s (OIE) 3 May statement calling for better implementation of OIE standards to help protect the welfare of donkeys – and the people who rely on them - which are currently at risk due to the global trade in donkey skins, especially in Africa.

Sokone shelter
25 March 2019

Brooke West Africa marked the opening of a new equine shelter in Mekhe, Senegal on 27 December 2018. The shelter, which is close to the local market will provide owners and working horses, donkeys and mules with vital shade and water.

7 March 2019

An estimated 100 million working horses, donkeys and mules contribute to the livelihoods of many poor communities around the world. Yet, their contribution does not receive the same recognition as other livestock in policies and programmes. Furthermore, gaps in education and training of animal health practitioners and lack of awareness of good welfare practices amongst equine owners mean that all over the world equids suffer unnecessarily.
