10 February 2017

Vets run 10 marathons in 10 days to raise £10,000

This April veterinary surgeons, Carolyne Crowe and Brian Faulkner, are running an astonishing 10 marathons in 10 days, in extreme locations across the British Isles, to raise money for a  cause close to their hearts, Brooke – Action for working horses and donkeys.

Carolyne, from Gloucestershire and fellow vet Brian, from Suffolk, will start their gruelling 260 mile journey in Wahilgoe, Northern Scotland on 14 April and finish with the London Marathon on 23 April. Travelling across the country, they face punishing terrains from Land’s End to Orkney, from Galway in Ireland to Wales.

They will run for Brooke, to help raise money to support the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules in some of the world’s poorest communities and in so doing, help the people that rely on these animals to earn a living, and provide for their families.

Carolyne, who runs her own business as a performance coach and mentor for vets, said: "I will be 40 in 2017 and I wanted a big challenge and this seemed as good as any!  I also believe in creating stories to tell my grandchildren and I’m sure a few good ones will come from this adventure.

"Brooke seemed like an obvious fit in that I have always owned horses myself and have worked in equine practice. I like the ethos behind Brooke in that by helping horses, mules and donkeys in developing countries, you are also helping to support the communities that depend on them for their livelihoods."

Ten2London is already gathering steam, and Carolyne and Brian have secured sponsorship from PetPlan, Denplan, VetShare, BCF Technology, Independent Vetcare, Vet Dynamics, Eight Legal and Keystone. It means all their costs are covered, and the rest of their sponsorship can go to the cause.

Brian said: "It’s a pretty big project; especially for two people who only ran their first marathons in 2016.  The training is coming on pretty well…but there aren’t enough hours in the day! The reaction so far has been interesting!"

Most people think we are mad; some say we’re ‘brave’ and the odd few say they have been inspired!  Just to complete this challenge will be an achievement, but to do it and raise £10K for Brooke will be amazing!

Brian Faulkner

Brian and Carolyne’s marathon dates and locations:

  • Friday 14 April - John O’Groats
  • Saturday 15 April - Orkney
  • Sunday 16 April - Loch Ness
  • Monday 17 April - Edinburgh
  • Tuesday 18 April - Cookstown, County Tyrone
  • Wednesday 19 April - Galway
  • Thursday 20 April - Gloucestershire
  • Friday 21 April - Lands End
  • Saturday 22 April - Thames
  • Sunday 23 April - 2017 London Marathon

To sponsor the pair, visit www.ten2london.co.uk.