12 June 2021

Statement - the G7 declaration

Last week, our Global External Affairs Senior Manager Carine Bambara represented Brooke as part of the Civil Society 7 at the G7 meeting in Carbis Bay. Discussions focussed on how prevention is better than cure when tackling pandemics.

At the end of the summit, leaders made a declaration which outlined actions for countries to take to prevent and prepare for another pandemic. This included research into zoonotic diseases - those which jump from animals to humans, and the U.K specifically announced plans for an animal vaccine manufacturing centre.

Carine said:

“Brooke is pleased to see world leaders moving towards a One Health approach. However, without strong systems comprising of a qualified animal health workforce and efficient distribution of vital medicines, plans to vaccinate animals and prevent the spread of diseases will not be sustainable and will fall at the first step. 

"Now is the time for countries to commit to sufficiently fund animal health systems across the world in order to prevent, control and manage disease. The G7 have already promised to support more vulnerable countries, but haven’t said how. It is important for them to lay out a concrete plan ahead of the G20 summit in October 2021.”

More than 75% of all new human infectious diseases coming from animals, but we have a chance to change this now. The next pandemic could be just around the corner.

Read Carine's blog, written ahead of the G7, on the BOND website

Read a full report from G7 on the Action for Animal Health website