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18 February 2021

On Wednesday 10 February, Brooke and the ​African Union Intra-Bureau for Animal Resources (AUI-BAR) ​held the event ‘SDG 2 and “Building Back Better” - Contributions of Working Livestock’ as part of the ​Committee on World Food Security (CFS 47)​. It highlighted the important contributions of working livestock to food security and discussed the role of women.   

12 January 2021

Brooke Patron and broadcaster Alastair Stewart has hosted a round up of Brooke’s biggest highlights over the last 12 months, from the response to Covid-19 to the announcement of a ban on the commercial slaughter of donkeys in Kenya.

22 December 2020

Earlier this year, Brooke West Africa teamed up with its partner Inades-Formation Burkina to install a new borehole in the village of Silmiougou in Burkina Faso, providing clean drinking water to the community and their donkeys, plus three other surrounding villages.
