26 May 2021

Devastating cyclone hits equine owning communities in India amid Covid-19 crisis

Brooke India has stepped up its appeal to help communities affected by the Covid-19 crisis after a fatal cyclone tore through India’s west coast, impacting more than 600 owners and over 3,600 horses, donkeys and mules.

Donkey stands next to a damaged structure at a brick kiln in the Bharuch district

In the week between 17 and 21 May, Cyclone Tauktae killed at least 91 people, damaged thousands of houses and boats and caused flooding across Kerala, Karnataka, Goa, Maharashtra and Gujarat.

Brooke operates in Maharashtra and Gujarat, where families work together in brick kilns, often in low quality housing. Life is tough already, but this has been greatly compounded by Covid-19. The cyclone knocked down many living quarters, destroyed animal shelters and flooded areas where owners had been trying to grow fodder for their animals using hydroponics. Food has been damaged, as well as stocks of dry fodder and feed that had been purchased for feeding donkeys.

Badly damaged structures at a brick kiln in the Bharuch district

Brooke’s team have increased the subsidy given for balanced feed or fodder and first aid kits by 90% for equine owners in cyclone hit zones and vet staff have been providing emergency treatment intervention. Money raised from the wider India Emergency Appeal will be used for those in greatest need at this time, which will include those affected by the cyclone.

As Covid-19 rages through India, Brooke is in the process of providing subsidised balanced feed or fodder to over 1,600 horses, donkeys and mules across a variety of projects, benefiting over 1,300 owners. Brooke is also distributing partly subsidised first aid kits, which will help over 1,700 owners to care for their animals whilst going through financial difficulties.

To help Brooke continue to support communities and working horses, donkeys and mules impacted by India’s devastating Covid-19 crisis, donate today.