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Donkeys enjoying maize shoots
4 May 2017

We are pleased to announce that Brooke’s Innovation Fund is re-launching. After a successful first year that saw Brooke fund nine projects across the developing world and in the UK, we are starting to see the positive results and the lessons that trialling new approaches to equine welfare can bring.

24 April 2017

It’s been over 140 years since the first phone call was made by Alexander Bell so it is easy to see how the humble telephone can nowadays be taken for granted.

Samal Valley Tea Estate
21 April 2017

Happy National Tea Day! Tea is one of the nation’s favourite beverages, with a massive 165 million cups being consumed in the UK each day. But many of us never think about where our brew actually comes from.

Sophie Walbeoffe
21 April 2017

On the evening of 10 May, the Osborne Studio Gallery in Knightsbridge, London, is hosting a private view of work by British artist Sophie Walbeoffe to support Brooke.

Collecting water during Kenya drought
7 April 2017

Below average rainfall has caused a drought in Kenya early 2017. On Friday 10 February 2017 the Government of Kenya declared the current drought a national disaster.

President of the congress receiving the animal welfare initiative
31 March 2017

After years of dedicated advocacy work by Brooke’s Guatemalan partners ESAP we are delighted to announce that a new animal welfare law has been passed by the country’s congress. 

VSF Suisse vet examining a horse during a baseline survey in a local market
31 March 2017

Brooke is pleased to announce that as part of our Innovation Fund we have launched a new partnership with Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF) in South Sudan where we will be introducing the first equine welfare programme in the country.

Dr Naseer Darwish receives training in India
31 March 2017

Afghanistan is a challenging location to work in, but Brooke has been committed to helping the country's 1.7 million working horses and donkeys since 2008. Brooke works in partnership with the Dutch Committee for Afghanistan (DCA), which trains paravets to improve veterinary services for working horses and donkeys. Dr Naseer Darwish, a facilitator at DCA, explains what it’s like to work to improve the welfare of Afghanistan’s equines.

20 March 2017

On Tuesday 14 March, the European Parliament voted overwhelmingly in favour of a report put forward by MEP Julie Girling that outlined a demand for improved welfare standards for seven million horses, donkeys and mules.
