28 April 2020

Brooke Chief Executive Petra Ingram to move to HorseWorld

Petra Ingram, Chief Executive of Brooke Action for Working Horses and Donkeys has been appointed Chief Executive at HorseWorld Trust. She will begin a phased transition to her new role at the beginning of May, leaving Brooke at the end of August 2020.  

Petra in Senegal in 2019. Credit: Sylvain Cherkaoui

Petra has been at Brooke for almost 11 years, and has led Brooke through the development and implementation of two five-year strategies, helping to transform it from doing good work treating working horses, donkeys and mules, to delivering sustainable change as a leader in the animal welfare sector. The charity has also delivered record income, brand awareness and supporter satisfaction. Petra has timed her decision to coincide with the end of Brooke’s most recent five-year strategy cycle.  

The Bristol-based HorseWorld was established in 1952 and today its prime charitable objectives continue to be rescuing, rehabilitating and re-homing horses and ponies that have suffered maltreatment, neglect or deprivation. Through its Discovery programme HorseWorld is recognised as a leader in equine assisted therapies and educational activities for children and young people with special educational needs. This is an area that has seen significant growth over the last few years and that growth is expected to continue, in part, as a consequence of the COVID-19 situation that is now affecting everyone.

John Newman, Chairman of Trustees for HorseWorld said:  “Having admired Petra’s outstanding work at Brooke over many years, we are delighted that she will be taking-on the role of Chief Executive at HorseWorld, helping us to develop further our rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming work and growing our successful Discovery programme which supports hundreds of young people with special educational needs each year.

“Phasing Petra’s introduction to her new role at HorseWorld over four months will mean a smooth transition which ensures that both charities are well looked-after at this difficult time.

“There’s little doubt that our charity, along with charities nationwide, will have to rise to some significant challenges in the coming weeks, months and even years as we deal with the effects and repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. We have admired the way in which our team at HorseWorld has adapted to ensure that our horses, ponies and donkeys are well cared for and whilst we have been unable to run our Discovery workshops during the lockdown period, we are already anticipating increased demand in the future. 

Petra said: “I am so proud of everything that Brooke has achieved in the last 11 years. Together, we have built sustainable ways to improve the welfare for working horses, donkeys and mules, and our work to improve animal health has never been more important.

“Brooke is very close to my heart and I will of course be sad to leave. However, it is the right time for me and the right time for Brooke.

“I am delighted to be joining HorseWorld and am pleased to still be following my passion for building relationships between horses and people. I am excited about leading the charity into the future.”

Brooke’s Chairman Sir Evelyn Webb-Carter commended Petra on her work to date, saying:

“We cannot thank Petra enough for what she has given Brooke over the last decade. She leaves the charity in the safe hands of our brilliant global leadership team, whilst the trustees recruit a new Chief Executive. We wish her all the best in her new role.”  

Find out more about HorseWorld at www.horseworld.org.uk