The Difference Your Gift Could Make

Imagine a world where working horses, donkeys and mules are free from suffering – with a gift in your Will you can help build this brighter future.

Give a lasting gift to working animals

In some of the poorest countries working horses, donkeys and mules are a lifeline for millions of people; helping them to earn money and build a better future for their families.

Yet for these working animals, life is tough. Extreme poverty and a lack of knowledge and resources means owners often can’t give them the care they need.

Brooke’s mission is to transform the lives of vulnerable working horses, donkeys and mules around the world - by not only relieving their immediate suffering but by also creating lasting change through working with people, communities and organisations across the world.

A donation in your Will could help us create that change and protect the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules today, tomorrow, and always. Our Free Will Service can help you write or update a simple Will for free.

Valerie’s experience

After seeing the vital work Brooke do overseas, Valerie wanted to leave a legacy that would help this to continue in future years and help change the way working animals live in the world's poorest communities for generations to come.

Why gifts in Wills matter

Quite simply, without legacies, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Over half of our income comes from gifts in Wills. They are vital to our work and allow us to help as many working animals as possible in a long term, sustainable way.

We share knowledge and support owners so they can ensure their working animals receive the care and dignity they deserve. And because we work side-by-side with communities, we can make sure change happens from within and lasts for generations to come.

Find out how to leave a gift in your Will - it couldn’t be easier.

Why give a gift in your Will?

We are incredibly grateful for any donation received, but the great thing about gifts in Wills is that they help us plan ahead for the future. They ensure we can direct funds to the animals that need them most and focus on areas where we know working animals’ needs are greatest.

Find out more about including a gift in your Will


See how we will use your gift to protect as many working horses, donkeys and mules as possible.

Find out about the types of gifts you can include in your Will, as well as practical hints on how to write or update a Will.

Our free Will writing services help you write or update a simple Will for free.