Three vital projects. Which one will you support?

We have three vital projects for you. All of them equally worthy of your kind support. Whichever you choose, you will have a truly transformative impact on the working animals these projects have been set up to help.

Together we can give them hope

See how project coal mine, project harness and project donkey care club can ease the suffering of working equines - and how your support will make it possible.


Which of these three important projects would you like to get behind?

Learn more about our projects

Which of these three important projects will you get behind?

Project coal mine
Khalid and his donkeys at coal mine

Bring hope and relief to 1,100 coal mine donkeys suffering in Pakistan. 

The project aims to reach coal mine donkeys and their owners by supporting two mobile clinics to deliver veterinary care and to train owners in first aid. We are also working with animal owners and their employers to install permanent water points and shelters so that animals get the rest and relief they need to survive.

Coal mine donkeys work in dangerous conditions in subterranean coal mines in Pakistan. These extremely vulnerable working animals toil every day through extreme heat, dehydration and exhaustion. Donkeys toil for hours each day carrying back-breaking loads in coal mines in Pakistan. Support project coal mine and you’ll be helping hard-working owners like Khalid to give their precious animals the water, shade and rest they need.

Number of animals affected: 1,100

Funding required: £42,744

Where is the project?


What is the project?

Buried deep within the dark and dusty coal mines of Khusab and Chakwal in Pakistan, 6,000 feet below the surface, donkeys and workers toil day and night. The coal is dug out and loaded onto the backs of hard-working vulnerable donkeys. These animals suffer in appalling conditions, working 8 to10 hours a day in stifling heat, often without water or adequate food. Many become lame from walking over rocky terrain. Others have open, untreated wounds from tearing their skin on the jagged edges of the mine tunnels. Respiratory disease, malnutrition, dehydration and exhaustion are also common ailments. 

Choose to help exhausted and dehydrated coal mine donkeys in Pakistan.

Project Harness
Kasim and his horse Boka

Provide comfort and prevent wounds for 350 hard working horses, donkeys and mules in Ethiopia. You’ll help train local harness makers to make pain-free, well fitting harnesses

Project harness will reach 350 gharry horses and their owners in Ethiopia. Gharry horses are extremely hard-working animals who spend their days transporting people, often suffering excruciating pain because of poorly made harnesses.

Gharry horses pull carts or carriages which are used to transport people. The horses can suffer horrific injuries from poor harnesses. Support project harness and you’ll be helping dedicated community engagement officers like Engidawork to show owners like Kasim the importance of humane and proper fitting harnesses to avoid lifelong injuries and suffering to their animals.

Number of animals affected: 350

Funding required: £37,788

Where is the project?


What is the project?

In Ethiopia, gharry horses who work long hours carting heavy loads of people for long distances in extreme heat, are living miserable lives. Often starving and forced to work to exhaustion by desperate owners, these animals suffer horrific abuse and injury for all of their lives. They live in constant pain and fear; their backs are broken with wounds and open sores, their eyes damaged, their faces scarred. Their mouths are torn by savage bits. Their hooves are broken and ripped. They carry the weight of a nation on their backs, and they suffer every single day because of it. This project aims to instil good handling behaviours in gharry horse owners by showing them that kindness not cruelty makes for happy, productive animals. We are also training local harness makers to make affordable, and proper fitting harnesses so animals don’t suffer harness-induced wounds, and can be pain-free throughout their working lives.

Choose to relieve the pain and suffering of gharry horses in Ethiopia.

Project donkey care club

Save thousands of donkeys from a lifetime of suffering by funding our East African donkey care clubs.  

Project donkey care club is all about educating children about good donkey care, and preventing the suffering of generations of donkeys in Kenya and Tanzania.

Support this project and empower young donkey owners like Tabitha to lead by example and show their communities how to take better care of the donkeys they depend on to survive. Tabitha loves attending her school’s donkey care club and has taught her parents how to better care for her donkeys Danny and Bobby. 

Number of future donkey owners helped: 692

Funding required: £84,845

Where is the project?

Kenya and Tanzania

What is the project?

In East Africa, many donkey owners don’t know how to care for their donkeys properly. This leads to mistreatment and neglect. To support their families, donkeys have to work in the fields, fetch water from long distances and carry back-breaking loads every day. They work such long hours, often without food or water, that they have little time to rest at the end of each day. Their physical and mental torment is immense, and these long-suffering animals live harsh and unforgiving lives. This project will set up more donkey care clubs in schools in Kenya and Tanzania to teach almost 700 children that donkeys feel pain and need love and kindness. The children will learn crucial donkey care skills like feeding and grooming and they will be encouraged to pass on these skills to their parents and the wider community so that no donkeys suffer in future.

Choose to show the next generation how to give their donkeys a better life in Kenya and Tanzania.