Clare Balding Q&A

Every Horse Remembered Q&A with Clare Balding, writer and broadcaster.

A young Clare Balding with pony Frank

Do you have a memory of a horse that meant a lot to you?

My pony Frank (pictured) was the most special person in my life. Through my early teenage years I honestly thought he was the only one who listened to me and the only one who understood me. Poor Frank, he put up with a lot.

Why did you enjoy riding?

I loved the freedom of being able to escape from everyone and everything. To be able to gallop and jump and disappear for hours on end was such a thrill.

Have horses or riding got you through a difficult time?

Yes. When my A level grades were so disappointing that I knew it would mean I couldn’t get into the university of my choice, I went off riding. It was the only way I knew how to cope.

“I’m supporting Brooke’s Every Horse Remembered campaign because...

"I think it’s important to remember how much horses have given us and how they are a part of our British culture."

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