Rouguiatou Ka, Advocacy Officer

Rouguiatou is based in Brooke’s West Africa office. Her main role is to engage national and international actors and institutions in advocacy issues on the welfare of working equines.

Rouguiatou with Brooke West Africa Regional Representative, Emmanuel Sarr 

  • Management of the relations with national and regional institutions
  • Governance and food security
  • Advocacy and partnerships
  • Gender approach


  • Policy brief sur le role des équidés dans l’agriculture familiale
  • Note d’information et de capitalisation sur la mise en application de l’arrêté interministériel portant réglementation du transport par des véhicules à traction animale


Spending time with my loved ones, reading and supporting family and child health initiatives.

Most memorable work moment

Being able to bring Brooke's voice to the high-level political forum for sustainable development at the United Nations. This moment was an opportunity to show all the decision-makers present the importance of taking into account the draught equids that are neglected in all national and international policies.

Best part of your job

First of all, it is working to open the eyes of decision-makers and encourage them to make and enforce laws favourable to animal welfare.

Secondly, collaboration with different entities and people from different backgrounds and specialties united for a single cause: Animal Welfare.

Finally, the transversal and enriching nature of advocacy that gives me the opportunity to collaborate with all colleagues at all levels (managers and other team members). 

How did you get your job?

The first thing was to have advocacy skills, the ability to collaborate and engage institutions and to be able to develop fruitful partnerships.

The second thing was to share the Brooke's mission and goals and to make a commitment to the draught equine cause.

The third element was to have the ability to adapt to new challenges and problems. Indeed, my background as a senior ministry official in charge of relations with national, regional and African Union institutions and my experience in livestock and food security governance has been important to my current work in the Brooke.