Alastair Stewart

Alastair became Brooke's Patron in April 2016.

Alastair Stewart OBE is an award-winning news broadcaster best known for anchoring ITV News, where he worked for more than 35 years. He was the longest-serving male newsreader on British television, having worked in both local and national news for 44 years. In a career that has spanned politics, war and even royal weddings, a passion for horses has always been present.

Right: Alastair with one of his donkeys, Hobnob

Horses have been and will always be a massive part of Alastair’s life, and it started at a young age when he rode whilst at boarding school in Kent. Although he no longer rides, his children took to it, with son Freddie running a livery and training centre and Oscar a professional show-jumper.

Visiting Brooke West Africa

In April 2019, Alastair travelled to Senegal with then-CEO Petra Ingram and Senior Media Officer Jamie Whear. He visited communities and met local service providers to learn about Brooke's work in West Africa. He also met with the UK Ambassador to Senegal, George Hodgson, and Senegal's Minister of Livestock, Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye.

Right: Alastair with Petra Ingram, Aminata Mbengue Ndiaye and Brooke West Africa's Emmanuel Sarr

Left to right: Emmanuel Sarr, Alastair Stewart, UK Ambassador George Hodgson, Petra Ingram, Justice Nnyigide, Jamie Whear 

See also

How many horses does Alastair Stewart have? Find out in our Q&A.